I look out the window at the gray day. Winter is finally showing in North FL. The high today is far below what we've had recently, and the wind bites a bit at bare skin. Yesterday, I got texts and emails, saying it would be okay if we cancelled the morning ride due to in-climate weather. It was cold for us. High 40's when we rolled out.
But when I look out that window, I imagine the lone figure plowing his way against the wind. Doing the work that others save for fair weather. I romanticize the struggle against the cold. Maybe it's the images of Andy Hampsten over the Gavia.
Maybe it's wanting to emulate a fraction of the perseverance of those hardmen that raced the 2013 spring classics.
Maybe it's just me enjoying watching the local skinny fast guys shiver and shake. They certainly showed me no mercy during the summer, when my clydesdale sized fame wilted with core temps in the millions.
I think mostly, I just like the change. Cycling can take many flavors in our home town. The brutal oppressive heat and humidity of the Summer, gives way to golden yellow Fall light, and the smell of leaf fires in rural yards. Winter brings the cold black of night rides, until Spring rolls around with all of its colorful visuals and the sweet smells of nature awaking from its slumber.
Each has its time and place in forging us in our pursuit of fitness, growth, perseverance, mental toughness, or simple peace. Like any great new album, play it long enough, you'll be ready for a change. Right about now, I must be ready. That cold gray road sure looks good to me.
Hope you enjoy you're ride today. You are riding right?
Nice one. I like the gray days. Less folks in the woods.
Are you still in PSL? It's Stubbs let's ride!
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