Wednesday, March 30, 2011

When's Happy Hour?

Infrequent posting around here may lead you to believe that I've been on vacation for some time. Not true! However, at about 12:50 today, I should be wheels up for Key West. Never been there. Born and bred Floridian, and I've never seen the Keys. Hell, I've never been south of the New Smyrna area. I surfed there a fair amount when I went to school in Daytona, but that's it. Never seen Miami, Ft Lauderdale, etc.

Lil' Ronnie is quite stoked to hear that I obtained a S.FL/N.Cuba passport, and will be visiting his homeland. Don't the natives speak Seminole, or some other such language? I hope I can communicate.Perhaps I should bring trinkets and smallpox...

I'll be back next week, but in the meantime, I'll do my best to enjoy all that is stereotypical about Jimmy Buffet.


BIG JIM said...

Enjoy! Nothing will help you appreicate home like a visit to South Florida. Or at least that is my experience.

Treeman said...

The Duval Street crawl is a time honored tradition. Also sunset at Mallory (sp?) park. I agree with BJS, been there once, no big urge to return.

Human Wrecking Ball said...

Carefull you don't blow out a flip flop.

BIGWORM said...

I realized as I was driving through Homestead, that I have been down here once. I'd completely forgotten, but I came to Ft lauderdale to race at Markum Park back in the 90's. That was way too long in Jaysun's blue Volvo, with 4 bikes on the roof. Me, DD, Jaysun, and some dumb kid Jaysun met made the journey. The dumb kid was from Ft Lauderdale, and all he kept talking about was getting his truck. We swing by his house and Dave and I almost laughed out loud. It was a big jacked up Toyota, with "MUDWEISER" across the windshield. He was so stoked to drive it to the park for our preride, that he promptly rear ended some old lady, 3 blocks from his house!

RickySilk said...

hah, i remember that mudweiser story.

Mark said...

BJS - haha - so true. Yeh Chris, DN is right, you would appreciate Mallory Sq at sunset with the 'ole lady and a nice cool drink. I did the Duval crawl and wound up with a tattoo!!! Luckily, I found out a couple days later it was just a henna :)

Have fun!! Tell Miguel congrats

BIGWORM said...

It's funny how memory works, sometimes. I realized that I was mistaken again. I was also down south for Lil' Ronnie's wedding. Not that I don't remember being in the wedding, just that it was in N. Cuba. I suppose trips down here are in that strange no mans land, of too few to stay on the surface, yet when frequency becomes too high, the trips all run together.